Girl vs Baking: Mission

In Girl vs Baking: Healthy Bites & Desserts, our mission is to provide the freshest and most delicious treats for any occasion. Our ingredients are handpicked for their quality and taste, and all of our products are made with love and care. We also offer gluten free, low sugar and vegan options. Enjoy the sweet delight of Girl vs Baking!

Girl vs Baking:

About Us

I am very excited to announce the opening of my new baking business in Caguas, P.R. called Girl vs Baking! We offer a wide variety of items including cupcakes, cookies, pies, biscuits and much more. All of our desserts are made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. At Girl vs Baking, we strive to make every customer's experience a pleasant one. We offer friendly and knowledgeable staff, excellent service and many delicacies to choose from; including treats made with gluten free flour, low sugar or vegan options. So come in, place your order and let us help make your party or occasion a success.


¡Estoy muy emocionada de anunciar la apertura de mi nuevo negocio de repostería en Caguas, P.R. llamado Girl vs Baking! Nos especializamos en bizcochos y postres únicos hechos a mano. Ofrecemos una amplia variedad de artículos, que incluyen cupcakes, galletas, tartas, pies, bizcochos y mucho más. Contamos con opciones para todos nuestros clientes intolerantes al gluten, bajo en azúcar y/o veganismo. Todos nuestros postres están hechos con ingredientes frescos y de alta calidad. En Girl vs Baking, nos esforzamos por hacer que la experiencia de cada cliente sea placentera. Ofrecemos un personal amable y experto, un servicio excelente y muchas delicias para elegir.  Así que venga, haga su orden y permítanos ayudarlo a hacer que su fiesta u ocasión sea un éxito.

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